Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dan Kami ciptakan dari air segala sesuatu yang hidup (Q.S. Al Anbiya:30)

Dalam kitab-kitab tafsir klasik, ayat tadi diartikan bahwa tanpa air semua akan mati kehausan. Tetapi di Jepang, Dr. Masaru Emoto dari Universitas Yokohama dengan tekun melakukan penelitian tentang perilaku air. Air murni dari mata air di Pulau Honshu didoakan secara agama Shinto, lalu didinginkan sampai -5oC di laboratorium, lantas difoto dengan mikroskop elektron dengan kamera kecepatan tinggi. Ternyata molekul air membentuk kristal segi enam yang indah. Percobaan diulangi dengan membacakan kata, "Arigato (terima kasih dalam bahasa Jepang)" di depan botol air tadi. Kristal kembali membentuk sangat indah. Lalu dicoba dengan menghadapkan tulisan huruf Jepang, "Arigato". Kristal membentuk dengan keindahan yang sama. Selanjutnya ditunjukkan kata "setan", kristal berbentuk buruk. Diputarkan music Symphony Mozart, Kristal muncul berbentuk bunga. Ketika musik heavy metal diperdengarkan, kristal hancur.

Ketika 500 orang berkonsentrasi memusatkan pesan "peace" di depan sebotol air, kristal air tadi mengembang bercabang-cabang dengan indahnya. Dan ketika dicoba dibacakan doa Islam, kristal bersegi enam dengan lima cabang daun muncul berkilauan. Subhanallah. Dr. Emoto akhirnya berkeliling dunia melakukan percobaan dengan air di Swiss, Berlin, Prancis, Palestina, dan ia kemudian diundang ke Markas Besar PBB di New York untuk mempresentasikan temuannya pada bulan Maret 2005 lalu. Ternyata air bisa "mendengar" kata-kata, bisa "membaca" tulisan, dan bisa "mengerti" pesan. Dalam bukunya The Hidden Message in Water, Dr. Masaru Emoto menguraikan bahwa air bersifat bisa merekam pesan, seperti pita magnetik atau compact disk.

Semakin kuat konsentrasi pemberi pesan, semakin dalam pesan tercetak di air. Air bisa mentransfer pesan tadi melalui molekul air yang lain. Barangkali temuan ini bisa menjelaskan, kenapa air putih yang didoakan bisa menyembuhkan si sakit. Dulu ini kita anggap musyrik, atau paling sedikit kita anggap sekadar sugesti, tetapi ternyata molekul air itu menangkap pesan doa kesembuhan, menyimpannya, lalu vibrasinya merambat kepada molekul air lain yang ada di tubuh si sakit.

Tubuh manusia memang 75% terdiri atas air. Otak 74,5% air. Darah 82% air. Tulang yang keras pun mengandung 22% air. Air putih galon di rumah, bisa setiap hari didoakan dengan khusyu kepada Allah, agar anak yang meminumnya saleh, sehat, dan cerdas, dan agar suami yang meminum tetap setia. Air tadi akan berproses di tubuh meneruskan pesan kepada air di otak dan pembuluh darah. Dengan izin Allah, pesan tadi akan dilaksanakan tubuh tanpa kita sadari. Bila air minum di suatu kota didoakan dengan serius untuk kesalehan, insya Allah semua penduduk yang meminumnya akan menjadi baik dan tidak beringas.

Rasulullah saw. bersabda, "Zamzam lima syuriba lahu", "Air zamzam akan melaksana-kan pesan dan niat yang meminumnya". Barangsiapa minum supaya kenyang, dia akan kenyang. Barangsiapa minum untuk menyembuhkan sakit, dia akan sembuh. Subhanallah ... Pantaslah air zamzam begitu berkhasiat karena dia menyimpan pesan doa jutaan manusia selama ribuan tahun sejak Nabi Ibrahim a.s.

Bila kita renungkan berpuluh ayat Al Quran tentang air, kita akan tersentak bahwa Allah rupanya selalu menarik perhatian kita kepada air. Bahwa air tidak sekadar benda mati. Dia menyimpan kekuatan, daya rekam, daya penyembuh, dan sifat-sifat aneh lagi yang menunggu disingkap manusia. Islam adalah agama yang paling melekat dengan air. Shalat wajib perlu air wudlu 5 kali sehari. Habis bercampur, suami istri wajib mandi. Mati pun wajib dimandikan. Tidak ada agama lain yang menyuruh memandikan jenazah, malahan ada yang dibakar. Tetapi kita belum melakukan zikir air. Kita masih perlakukan air tanpa respek. Kita buang secara mubazir, bahkan kita cemari. Astaghfirullah.

Seorang ilmuwan Jepang telah merintis. Ilmuwan muslim harus melanjutkan kajian kehidupan ini berdasarkan Al Quran dan hadis.

Wallahu a'lam ...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Have you know exactly, for the health benefits of the water body? You may have heard and read that long since water is a necessary component of the body. In fact more than just a feeling thirsty, drink 8 - 10 glasses of water a day routine can make the various systems that are in our bodies to work optimally.

1. Skin healthy. Drinking enough water can keep kelembapan skin, due to the influence of hot air from outside the body. Water is essential to maintain skin elasticity and softness, and prevent drought.

2. Protect and lubricate joints and muscle movement. Most of the fluid that protects and lubricate joints and muscles movement of water. Mengonsumsi water before, during and after physical activity, it means that minimize the risk of muscle cramps and fatigue.

3. Maintain body temperature stable. Sweat is a natural mechanism for controlling body temperature. To be able to sweat, the body requires a lot of water.

4. Clean up toxic. Feed water is enough to help the process of disposal of toxic occur in kidney and heart.

5. Stabilize disposal. Consumption of water will be enough to help the digestive system working in the large intestine. This will prevent interference disposal (constipation), as bowel movements become more smoothly, so that feses more easily removed.

6. Meet the needs of body fluids. Average per day, adults have lost as much as 10 cups liquid. Expenditure is going through a liquid sweat, breath, urin, and feses. The lack of body fluids, even if only a few will soon cause major disruption, such as difficulty concentrating, headache, tired, and restless.

7. Minimize the risk of heart attack. The researchers from the University of Loma Linda, California, conducted research on 20,000 respondents (men and women) healthy, and found that the respondents are at least drinking water more than 5 glasses a day have a risk of death due to heart attack or disruption of smaller, than respondents who drank less than 2 glasses per day.

8. Minimize the risk of infection in the body's organs. Consumption of adequate water can prevent the formation of kidney stones and the risk of kidney infection, bladder, and urine channel. Results of research that dilansir JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) at the end of 2004, states that women who drank 5 glasses of water every day tend to be at risk of bowel cancer 45% lower than women who drank only less than 2 glasses per day.

9. Restore the body's condition. Feed adequate water when ill, nutritious ease fever, and replace the fluids that terbuang. This condition is supporting the recovery process.

Quoted from the Koran KOMPAS March 2006


( - We can re-invigorate the body with a bath or swim in the sea to feel the coolness in the hot days. When we see the sunny, as if the heavens gave coolness for flora, fauna and agriculture. When the air is hot, drink cold water to satisfy thirst.

Water is a panacea for all illnesses. If water supply is abundant, the big question arises is: Cukupkah you drink?
While water can be obtained easily, many people it is still insufficient for Feed water in daily life, so forget unwittingly experiencing dehydration.

Brisbane psychology specialist, Liz Urquart is someone who strongly support the action needs sufficient water to prevent dehydration.

"Water is the main nutrition to ensure your body to function effectively and safely, clearly Urquart, associated closely with the doctors and specialist health and fitness. "Hidrasi affect blood volume, which affects the blood pressure, heart tap, and how strong your heart pumping blood."

Symptoms of dehydration is directly fatigue, dizziness, lack of energy, and loss of concentration. During working hours, particularly in the environment ber AC can increase dehydration, workers generally think that they need to eat to increase energy, when, in reality, they need only return the freshness can be obtained from a glass of water.

Chronic dehydration can lead to serious health problems, including constipation, kidney stones, and issues related to the other kidney problems. Skin of the face and body, we also will be affected. With attention to serious long-term consequences of the direct impact, drink enough water every day is very important.

The body consists of 50 to 70 percent water. Percentage current depends on the specific issues such as gender, the number of fat in the body and age. Gynecology male body in the water close to 70 percent, while the women around 50 to 60 percent. This is because women naturally have a body fat percentage is higher. Lean muscles that contain more water than the fat, the excess weight that will have Percentage hidrasi lower than on the size of their normal body weight. On the new baby was born, almost 90 percent in the body of water.

Drinking enough water every day will ensure Percentage of water in the body will tercukupi.

Try cubit palmar skin of your back, do not drop to a few seconds. When imprint after 1-2 seconds, you are clearly experiencing dehydration.

More accurate size for the body can hidrasi tested using a simple electrode tester provider called Bioelectrical Impedance Analyser (BIA). Gym and health groups often include testing this filter when a new member. Test Psikotes also use a test like this.

Drinking water regularly to obtain optimal health and hidrasi can become a new habit. Start with a glass of water from a cup of tea or coffee. Put a glass or bottle of water beside your bed. Place a large bottle of water in places easy to reach in your work space, do not wait until feeling thirsty for meminumnya. If you tend to move on, always provide 600 ml of water with you.

Power to trigger recall, Urquart suggest drinking a glass of water every toilet to finish. Although many may also drink a lot to the toilet, a little inconvenience is not nothing compared to the health risks caused by lack of water.

Time friend to advise how much water should be consumed, Urquart recommends 10-12 cups per day, the amount recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), which makes recommendations for the fitness industry is based on a wide range of research.

When the sport berolah less than an hour, it was recommended to drink 200 ml (one glass) every 15 minutes.

Mengonsumsi fruit and vegetables are also a good way to increase the actual water in the body.

Also need to realize that some of the foods and drinks can actually stimulate dehydration. Alcohol, caffeine in tea, coffee, drinks berenergi, some drink, and high-sugar diet, can all lead to be merged out of the water in the body.

Urquart also suggest that attention to water resources and water consumption. "Checking the color of your urine is also an easy way to know whether the body is exposed to dehydration. Cloudy urine that indicates dehydration. Once you feel thirsty, your body is in a condition below the optimal level of needs.

If you do not normally drink enough water, start to change habits now and see that you will feel much better. May require a two-day benefit for you earn, but you will feel. (theepochtimes)